Monday, June 30, 2008

Results - Euro 2008 Prediction League - Game 31

Do not think that the one point from Goal Bonuses is insignificant for in this case, it was enough to decide who wins the Prediction League.

Congrats to Delay for the 5-point haul to make a last minute jump over 4 places only to fall short of the win by the solitary point.

Congrats also to myself for winning by the skin of my teeth. Had I not gotten the Spain side of the goal right, I would have lost to both Necroastr and Delay on account of the tie breaker where both would have gotten the 0.5 points for correctly guessing Spain to be the side to score first. However, it would be Delay to score the extra 0.25 points given that his time difference between his predicted first goal and actual first goal is closer than that of Necroastr.

Anyway, thanks once again to everybody for playing. We look forward to seeing everybody again when the next season of the EPL starts in August.

Reminder: We will be at the new site at Bookmark us and tell all your friends!

Housekeeping Notes:

All of this season's tables will be kept in Flickr's photoset. Click Here.

SPUG EPL Prediction League "Perfect Score" Hall Of Fame
Perfect Score = 2 correct-score predictions in a single weekend and hence the award of the full 10 points.

1) edwinsng (07 Jun 2008), (15 Jun 2008)
2) Necroastr (08 Jun 2008)

WeiMeng HOF (Number of Exact Predictions)
5 Games - edwinsng
4 Games - Necroastr, Delay
3 Games - NNPC, Bedokian, ihawk98, Everton, clokwerk_oranje, cha dum yen, Raynaldo, Voxeros
2 Games - cocotree, TTY, David.hvp
1 Game - ianrush, wanwei, cha dun yen, Cool402, Beaver21, hotdog, arc

Scoring System
3-Points for a correct outcome (Win, Lose or Draw)
1-point each for correct score on each side.

Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.

No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)

SPUG Blackout
The SPUG EPL Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.

Prediction League Past Winners

Copa America 2004 - WeiMeng
EPL 2004/2005 - Friday13
EPL 2005/2006 - ianrush
World Cup 2006 - EdwinSng
EPL 2006/2007 - Voxeros
EPL 2007/2008 - Cool402
Euro 2008 - Voxeros

As usual:

1) If you have spotted a mistake, please let me know where and what so that I can amend them accordingly.
2) Please check your scores for accuracy as soon as possible before I update the table during the next round of scores. Once the table has been updated, the old table will be overwritten.
3) In case you are still seeing the old table even if I have announced a new update, please refresh your browser to reload the table.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Moving To A New Blog

Dear Friends,

I shall be writing my last entry here tomorrow when I announce the result of the SPUG Euro 2008 Prediction League. It would mark the end of yet another fun prediction league but also the end of my writing here.

I will be moving over to as I feel that since our Prediction League players support a wide range of different clubs, it is only right to have it on neutral ground.

Over at PangPuarLiap, we will have Cool402, ihawk98, Bedokian and myself covering ManUtd and Spurs games while on the lookout for more friends to cover other EPL clubs should they be interested to join in the writer's pool.

The SPUG Prediction League will also be moved there.

The new site right now is still under construction and we will publish our first entry nearer to the Community Shield game.

We hope to see you there.

Once again, a big thanks to our readers who have been faithfully following us all these while.

- Jay "Voxeros" Walk

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Euro 2008 Prediction League - Match 31

It's the final game of the Euro2008 and I may be the first in SPUG Prediction League history to win the league twice.

However, it won't be easy considering the fact that we have a very packed group at the top and any one of us have an equal chance of clinching the title with this last game.

As such, I am introducing a tie breaker rule which is as follow:

1) Predictions are to be made as per normal (90 minutes) except that we have to also predict (i) which side scores the first goal and (ii) the time of the first goal scored e.g. at 37th minute.

2) 3 points will be awarded for a correct outcome and 1 point each for correct score on each side.

3) If after (2) we have a tie, then the person who predicts the correct side to score the first goal gets an additional 0.5 points. If not, we have a winner decided.

4) If after (3) we still have a tie, then the person who predicts the correct time (or closest) of the first goal will get an additional 0.25 points. If not, we have a winner decided.

  • 4.1) There will be a Before-Over-After rule should the difference in predicted time of players who are tied (between predicted and actual time of first goal scored) be identical, the timing before actual time shall trump the timing after actual time.

    Example: A predicts first goal scored at 40th minute. B predicts first goal scored at 50th minute. If actual score is scored at the 45th minute i.e. both A and B timing difference is 5 minutes, A win B with the Before-Over-After rule.

5) If after (4), we still have a tie, then all players still in the tie shall be declared as joint winners.

6) Prediction Format: Example: 1. Voxeros 2-1, Spain, 37th minute.

Euro2008 31: MON 30/06 Spain vs Germany at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Good luck!

EURO2008 Prediction League Rules

Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.

No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)

Blog Blackout
The EURO2008 Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Results - Euro 2008 Prediction League - Games 29 - 30

What happened with Greece when they won the Championship was a freak result as I firmly do not believe in fairy tales.

And right I was with the powerhouses of Spain and Germany prevailing and meeting in the Final according to script.

Cool402 finally got it right with his tinkering but with only 1 game to go, I'm afraid it's a tad too little too late.

Anyway, I am sitting at the top with a 2-point cushion and all eyes will be on me if I am able to hold off everybody for the win as well as on the 4 challengers within strike zone.

Tomorrow, I shall be releasing the Final match for predictions. Stay tune and please note the tie-breaker rules that I will be introducing.

Housekeeping Notes:

All of this season's tables will be kept in Flickr's photoset. Click Here.

SPUG EPL Prediction League "Perfect Score" Hall Of Fame
Perfect Score = 2 correct-score predictions in a single weekend and hence the award of the full 10 points.

1) edwinsng (07 Jun 2008), (15 Jun 2008)
2) Necroastr (08 Jun 2008)

WeiMeng HOF (Number of Exact Predictions)
5 Games - edwinsng
4 Games - Necroastr
3 Games - Delay, NNPC, Bedokian, ihawk98, Everton, clokwerk_oranje, cha dum yen, Raynaldo, Voxeros
2 Games - cocotree, TTY, David.hvp
1 Game - ianrush, wanwei, cha dun yen, Cool402, Beaver21, hotdog, arc

Scoring System
3-Points for a correct outcome (Win, Lose or Draw)
1-point each for correct score on each side.

Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.

No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)

SPUG Blackout
The SPUG EPL Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.

Prediction League Past Winners

Copa America 2004 - WeiMeng
EPL 2004/2005 - Friday13
EPL 2005/2006 - ianrush
World Cup 2006 - EdwinSng
EPL 2006/2007 - Voxeros
EPL 2007/2008 - Cool402

As usual:

1) If you have spotted a mistake, please let me know where and what so that I can amend them accordingly.
2) Please check your scores for accuracy as soon as possible before I update the table during the next round of scores. Once the table has been updated, the old table will be overwritten.
3) In case you are still seeing the old table even if I have announced a new update, please refresh your browser to reload the table.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Euro 2008 Prediction League - Match 28 - 30

This is the Semi-Final round and as such only 1 game per day at 02:45am (GMT +8). Thereafter, there will be a 2-day break before the Finals commence, of which I am introduce a tie-breaker system.

Predictions are for 90 minutes only.

Euro2008 29: THU 26/06 Germany vs Turkey at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Euro2008 30: FRI 27/06 Russia vs Spain at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Good luck!

EURO2008 Prediction League Rules

Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.

No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)

Blog Blackout
The EURO2008 Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Results - Euro 2008 Prediction League - Games 27 - 28

A real shocker to see Netherlands eliminated by unfancied Russian as we see yet another episode of the Greek fairy tale.

This round only 5 of us got 3 points and surprisingly these 3 points seems to propel us higher than usual.

So will this be the year of the underdogs like Turkey or Russia? Or would it pan out as plan to go to the power houses like Germany or Spain?

Stay tuned.

Housekeeping Notes:

All of this season's tables will be kept in Flickr's photoset. Click Here.

SPUG EPL Prediction League "Perfect Score" Hall Of Fame
Perfect Score = 2 correct-score predictions in a single weekend and hence the award of the full 10 points.

1) edwinsng (07 Jun 2008), (15 Jun 2008)
2) Necroastr (08 Jun 2008)

WeiMeng HOF (Number of Exact Predictions)
5 Games - edwinsng
4 Games - Necroastr
3 Games - Delay, NNPC, Bedokian, ihawk98, Everton, clokwerk_oranje, cha dum yen, Raynaldo, Voxeros
2 Games - cocotree, TTY, David.hvp
1 Game - ianrush, wanwei, cha dun yen, Cool402, Beaver21, hotdog, arc

Scoring System
3-Points for a correct outcome (Win, Lose or Draw)
1-point each for correct score on each side.

Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.

No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)

SPUG Blackout
The SPUG EPL Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.

Prediction League Past Winners

Copa America 2004 - WeiMeng
EPL 2004/2005 - Friday13
EPL 2005/2006 - ianrush
World Cup 2006 - EdwinSng
EPL 2006/2007 - Voxeros
EPL 2007/2008 - Cool402

As usual:

1) If you have spotted a mistake, please let me know where and what so that I can amend them accordingly.
2) Please check your scores for accuracy as soon as possible before I update the table during the next round of scores. Once the table has been updated, the old table will be overwritten.
3) In case you are still seeing the old table even if I have announced a new update, please refresh your browser to reload the table.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Results - Euro 2008 Prediction League - Games 25 - 26

Looks like a dismal round for all of us and for me in particular where I was floored by Turkey's victory.

What are the chances they are going to pull another Greece on us? I wonder.

Congrats to hotdog who is now the current pole leader with 8 players on his tail within strikezone. Not an enviable position.

Housekeeping Notes:

All of this season's tables will be kept in Flickr's photoset. Click Here.

SPUG EPL Prediction League "Perfect Score" Hall Of Fame
Perfect Score = 2 correct-score predictions in a single weekend and hence the award of the full 10 points.

1) edwinsng (07 Jun 2008), (15 Jun 2008)
2) Necroastr (08 Jun 2008)

WeiMeng HOF (Number of Exact Predictions)
5 Games - edwinsng
4 Games - Necroastr
3 Games - Delay, NNPC, Bedokian, ihawk98, Everton, clokwerk_oranje, cha dum yen, Raynaldo, Voxeros
2 Games - cocotree, TTY, David.hvp
1 Game - ianrush, wanwei, cha dun yen, Cool402, Beaver21, hotdog, arc

Scoring System
3-Points for a correct outcome (Win, Lose or Draw)
1-point each for correct score on each side.

Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.

No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)

SPUG Blackout
The SPUG EPL Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.

Prediction League Past Winners

Copa America 2004 - WeiMeng
EPL 2004/2005 - Friday13
EPL 2005/2006 - ianrush
World Cup 2006 - EdwinSng
EPL 2006/2007 - Voxeros
EPL 2007/2008 - Cool402

As usual:

1) If you have spotted a mistake, please let me know where and what so that I can amend them accordingly.
2) Please check your scores for accuracy as soon as possible before I update the table during the next round of scores. Once the table has been updated, the old table will be overwritten.
3) In case you are still seeing the old table even if I have announced a new update, please refresh your browser to reload the table.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Euro 2008 Prediction League - Match 27 - 28

This is the Quarter-Final round and as such only 1 game per day at 02:45am (GMT +8). Thereafter, there will be a 2-day break before the Semi-Finals commence.

Predictions are for 90 minutes only.

Euro2008 27: SUN 22/06 Netherlands vs Russia at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Euro2008 28: MON 23/06 Spain vs Italy at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Good luck!

EURO2008 Prediction League Rules

Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.

No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)

Blog Blackout
The EURO2008 Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Results - Euro 2008 Prediction League - Games 21 - 24

A massive pat on my own back as my 13-point haul springboarded me into pole position to co-lead with ihawk98 whom I've caught up.

Looks like I'm my own dark horse!

Anyway, with the first round out of the way, we are only 7 games away from the end of the tournament and every mistake hereon is going to very much magnified.

Also, please note that all predictions hereon are for 90-minutes only.

Good luck guys!

Housekeeping Notes:

All of this season's tables will be kept in Flickr's photoset. Click Here.

SPUG EPL Prediction League "Perfect Score" Hall Of Fame
Perfect Score = 2 correct-score predictions in a single weekend and hence the award of the full 10 points.

1) edwinsng (07 Jun 2008), (15 Jun 2008)
2) Necroastr (08 Jun 2008)

WeiMeng HOF (Number of Exact Predictions)
5 Games - edwinsng
4 Games - Necroastr
3 Games - Delay, NNPC, Bedokian, ihawk98, Everton, clokwerk_oranje, cha dum yen, Raynaldo, Voxeros
2 Games - cocotree, TTY, David.hvp
1 Game - ianrush, wanwei, cha dun yen, Cool402, Beaver21, hotdog, arc

Scoring System
3-Points for a correct outcome (Win, Lose or Draw)
1-point each for correct score on each side.

Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.

No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)

SPUG Blackout
The SPUG EPL Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.

Prediction League Past Winners

Copa America 2004 - WeiMeng
EPL 2004/2005 - Friday13
EPL 2005/2006 - ianrush
World Cup 2006 - EdwinSng
EPL 2006/2007 - Voxeros
EPL 2007/2008 - Cool402

As usual:

1) If you have spotted a mistake, please let me know where and what so that I can amend them accordingly.
2) Please check your scores for accuracy as soon as possible before I update the table during the next round of scores. Once the table has been updated, the old table will be overwritten.
3) In case you are still seeing the old table even if I have announced a new update, please refresh your browser to reload the table.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Euro 2008 Prediction League - Match 25 - 26

This is the Quarter-Final round and as such only 1 game per day at 02:45am (GMT +8). Thereafter, there will be a 2-day break before the Semi-Finals commence.

Note: All predictions are for 90 minutes only.

Euro2008 25: FRI 20/06 Portugal vs Germany at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Euro2008 26: SAT 21/06 Croatia vs Turkey at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Good luck!

EURO2008 Prediction League Rules

Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.

No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)

Blog Blackout
The EURO2008 Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Results - Euro 2008 Prediction League - Games 17 - 20

ihawk98 gets to keep his lead this round but Necroastr is looking very aggressive chasing the pole position. Looks like the bookies will be shaving their odds on this horse.

In the mean time, I drop a notch down with a dismal performance and Cool402's "Ranieri's Syndrome" struck again!

Housekeeping Notes:

All of this season's tables will be kept in Flickr's photoset. Click Here.

SPUG EPL Prediction League "Perfect Score" Hall Of Fame
Perfect Score = 2 correct-score predictions in a single weekend and hence the award of the full 10 points.

1) edwinsng (07 Jun 2008), (15 Jun 2008)
2) Necroastr (08 Jun 2008)

WeiMeng HOF (Number of Exact Predictions)
5 Games - edwinsng
4 Games - Necroastr
3 Games - Delay, NNPC, Bedokian, ihawk98, Everton, clokwerk_oranje, cha dum yen
2 Games - Raynaldo, cocotree, Voxeros
1 Game - ianrush, wanwei, cha dun yen, TTY, Cool402, David.hvp, Beaver21, hotdog

Scoring System
3-Points for a correct outcome (Win, Lose or Draw)
1-point each for correct score on each side.

Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.

No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)

SPUG Blackout
The SPUG EPL Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.

Prediction League Past Winners

Copa America 2004 - WeiMeng
EPL 2004/2005 - Friday13
EPL 2005/2006 - ianrush
World Cup 2006 - EdwinSng
EPL 2006/2007 - Voxeros
EPL 2007/2008 - Cool402

As usual:

1) If you have spotted a mistake, please let me know where and what so that I can amend them accordingly.
2) Please check your scores for accuracy as soon as possible before I update the table during the next round of scores. Once the table has been updated, the old table will be overwritten.
3) In case you are still seeing the old table even if I have announced a new update, please refresh your browser to reload the table.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Euro 2008 Prediction League - Match 21-24

Note: Due to the fact that this are the last games of the respective group matches, all kick-off times are at 02:45am (GMT+8)

Euro2008 21: WED 18/06 France vs Italy at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Euro2008 22: WED 18/06 Netherlands vs Romania at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Euro2008 23: THU 19/06 Greece vs Spain at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Euro2008 24: THU 19/06 Russia vs Sweden at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Good luck!

EURO2008 Prediction League Rules

Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.

No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)

Blog Blackout
The EURO2008 Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Results - Euro 2008 Prediction League - Games 13 - 16

What a fine showing by ihawk98 with 4 correct outcomes to leapfrogged everybody to a massive 6 points lead!

Kudos to edwinsng for his second Perfect-10! Damn he makes it look so easy!!

Looks like my tinkering is contagious as Cool402 made a last minute change too at the Greece-Russia game only to lose 3 precious points.

Housekeeping Notes:

All of this season's tables will be kept in Flickr's photoset. Click Here.

SPUG EPL Prediction League "Perfect Score" Hall Of Fame
Perfect Score = 2 correct-score predictions in a single weekend and hence the award of the full 10 points.

1) edwinsng (07 Jun 2008), (15 Jun 2008)
2) Necroastr (08 Jun 2008)

WeiMeng HOF (Number of Exact Predictions)
5 Games - edwinsng
4 Games - Necroastr
3 Games - Delay, NNPC, Bedokian, ihawk98, cha dum yen
2 Games - Raynaldo, cocotree, Voxeros, Everton, clokwerk_oranje
1 Game - ianrush, wanwei, TTY, Cool402, David.hvp

Scoring System
3-Points for a correct outcome (Win, Lose or Draw)
1-point each for correct score on each side.

Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.

No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)

SPUG Blackout
The SPUG EPL Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.

Prediction League Past Winners

Copa America 2004 - WeiMeng
EPL 2004/2005 - Friday13
EPL 2005/2006 - ianrush
World Cup 2006 - EdwinSng
EPL 2006/2007 - Voxeros
EPL 2007/2008 - Cool402

As usual:

1) If you have spotted a mistake, please let me know where and what so that I can amend them accordingly.
2) Please check your scores for accuracy as soon as possible before I update the table during the next round of scores. Once the table has been updated, the old table will be overwritten.
3) In case you are still seeing the old table even if I have announced a new update, please refresh your browser to reload the table.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Euro 2008 Prediction League - Match 17-20

Note: Due to the fact that this are the last games of the respective group matches, all kick-off times are at 02:45am (GMT+8)

Euro2008 17: MON 16/06 Switzerland vs Portugal at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Euro2008 18: MON 16/06 Turkey vs Czech Republic at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Euro2008 19: TUE 17/06 Austria vs Germany at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Euro2008 20: TUE 17/06 Poland vs Croatia at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Good luck!

EURO2008 Prediction League Rules

Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.

No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)

Blog Blackout
The EURO2008 Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Results - Euro 2008 Prediction League - Games 09 - 12

We have a pair of new co-leaders by a single point. Congrats to ihawk98 and Delay!

Me and my itchy hands to amend my prediction of the Austria-Poland game at the last minute to cost me an exact prediction which would have propel me to the top of the table.


Anyway, we have quite a haul of exact scores this round but no Perfect 10 on account of everybody being floored by Turkey's and Croatia's upset respectively.

Housekeeping Notes:

All of this season's tables will be kept in Flickr's photoset. Click Here.

SPUG EPL Prediction League "Perfect Score" Hall Of Fame
Perfect Score = 2 correct-score predictions in a single weekend and hence the award of the full 10 points.

1) edwinsng (07 Jun 2008)
2) Necroastr (08 Jun 2008)

WeiMeng HOF (Number of Exact Predictions)
3 Games - Necroastr, edwinsng, Delay
2 Games - Raynaldo, NNPC, cocotree
1 Game - Voxeros, Everton, ianrush, wanwei, cha dun yen, clokwerk_oranje, cha dum yen, Bedokian ihawk98, TTY

Scoring System
3-Points for a correct outcome (Win, Lose or Draw)
1-point each for correct score on each side.

Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.

No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)

SPUG Blackout
The SPUG EPL Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.

Prediction League Past Winners

Copa America 2004 - WeiMeng
EPL 2004/2005 - Friday13
EPL 2005/2006 - ianrush
World Cup 2006 - EdwinSng
EPL 2006/2007 - Voxeros
EPL 2007/2008 - Cool402

As usual:

1) If you have spotted a mistake, please let me know where and what so that I can amend them accordingly.
2) Please check your scores for accuracy as soon as possible before I update the table during the next round of scores. Once the table has been updated, the old table will be overwritten.
3) In case you are still seeing the old table even if I have announced a new update, please refresh your browser to reload the table.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Euro 2008 Prediction League - Match 13-16

Euro2008 13: FRI 13/06 Italy vs Romania at 11.55 pm SIN/HKG

Euro2008 14: SAT 14/06 Netherlands vs France at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Euro2008 15: SAT 14/06 Sweden vs Spain at 11.55 pm SIN/HKG

Euro2008 16: SUN 15/06 Greece vs Russia at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Good luck!

EURO2008 Prediction League Rules

Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.

No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)

Blog Blackout
The EURO2008 Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Results - Euro 2008 Prediction League - Games 05 - 08

A pat on my own back as well as Beaver21 for our 9-point haul this round to allow us to jump 6 and 3 places respectively.

You have to give it to Necroastr who missed the first day of this round only to bounce back strongly with a 6+2 result. Watch out for this guy for his form is hot!

As for the rest of us, please check back here daily as I will be working on a match-prediction-one-day and the results-the-next-day cycle i.e. this place will have daily updates during the course of this tournament, especially for the early rounds.

Housekeeping Notes:

All of this season's tables will be kept in Flickr's photoset. Click Here.

SPUG EPL Prediction League "Perfect Score" Hall Of Fame
Perfect Score = 2 correct-score predictions in a single weekend and hence the award of the full 10 points.

1) edwinsng (07 Jun 2008)
2) Necroastr (08 Jun 2008)

WeiMeng HOF (Number of Exact Predictions)
3 Games - Necroastr, edwinsng
2 Games - Delay, Raynaldo
1 Game - Voxeros, NNPC, Everton, ianrush, wanwei, cha dun yen, cocotree, clokwerk_oranje

Scoring System
3-Points for a correct outcome (Win, Lose or Draw)
1-point each for correct score on each side.

Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.

No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)

SPUG Blackout
The SPUG EPL Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.

Prediction League Past Winners

Copa America 2004 - WeiMeng
EPL 2004/2005 - Friday13
EPL 2005/2006 - ianrush
World Cup 2006 - EdwinSng
EPL 2006/2007 - Voxeros
EPL 2007/2008 - Cool402

As usual:

1) If you have spotted a mistake, please let me know where and what so that I can amend them accordingly.
2) Please check your scores for accuracy as soon as possible before I update the table during the next round of scores. Once the table has been updated, the old table will be overwritten.
3) In case you are still seeing the old table even if I have announced a new update, please refresh your browser to reload the table.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Euro 2008 Prediction League - Match 09-12

Euro2008 09: WED 11/06 Czech Republic vs Portugal at 11.55 pm SIN/HKG

Euro2008 10: THU 12/06 Switzerland vs Turkey at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Euro2008 11: THU 12/06 Croatia vs Germany at 11.55 pm SIN/HKG

Euro2008 12: FRI 13/06 Austria vs Poland at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Good luck!

EURO2008 Prediction League Rules

Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.

No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)

Blog Blackout
The EURO2008 Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Results - Euro 2008 Prediction League - Games 01 - 04

Not a bad turn out with 18 19 people signing up for the Euro 2008 Prediction League.


A great start with Delay racing to the lead with 18 points on the first haul but the star of round 1 has got to be Necroastr who almost had 2 back-to-back Perfect 10s!

edwinsng raced the lead with 19 points, whom I have earlier overlooked. It's quite a pity for Necroastr and himself for they could have achieve the Grand Slam of back-to-back Perfect 10s.

Also, I will be reviving WeiMeng's HOF Charts. Scroll down below to see them.

Housekeeping Notes:

All of this season's tables will be kept in Flickr's photoset. Click Here.

SPUG EPL Prediction League "Perfect Score" Hall Of Fame
Perfect Score = 2 correct-score predictions in a single weekend and hence the award of the full 10 points.

1) edwinsng (07 Jun 2008)
2) Necroastr (08 Jun 2008)

WeiMeng HOF (Number of Exact Predictions)
3 Games - Necroastr, edwinsng
2 Games - Delay, Raynaldo
1 Game - Voxeros, NNPC, Everton, ianrush, wanwei, cha dun yen, cocotree

Scoring System
3-Points for a correct outcome (Win, Lose or Draw)
1-point each for correct score on each side.

Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.

No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)

SPUG Blackout
The SPUG EPL Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.

Prediction League Past Winners

Copa America 2004 - WeiMeng
EPL 2004/2005 - Friday13
EPL 2005/2006 - ianrush
World Cup 2006 - EdwinSng
EPL 2006/2007 - Voxeros
EPL 2007/2008 - Cool402

As usual:

1) If you have spotted a mistake, please let me know where and what so that I can amend them accordingly.
2) Please check your scores for accuracy as soon as possible before I update the table during the next round of scores. Once the table has been updated, the old table will be overwritten.
3) In case you are still seeing the old table even if I have announced a new update, please refresh your browser to reload the table.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Euro 2008 Prediction League - Match 05-08

Euro2008 05: MON 09/06 France vs Romania at 11.55 pm SIN/HKG

Euro2008 06: TUE 10/06 Italy vs Netherlands at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Euro2008 07: TUE 10/06 Spain vs Russia at 11.55 pm SIN/HKG

Euro2008 08: WED 11/06 Sweden vs Greece at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Good luck!

EURO2008 Prediction League Rules

Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.

No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)

Blog Blackout
The EURO2008 Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Euro 2008 Prediction League - Match 01-04

5 more days to the start of the Euro2008 tournament and I welcome one and all back from the break.

Format for this prediction league is slightly different from the domestic SPUG EPL prediction league as we will be predicting 4 matches at one go with updates every other day. The pace will certainly be much faster than the regular one.

Euro2008 01: SAT 07/06 Switzerland vs Czech Republic at 11.55 pm SIN/HKG

Euro2008 02: SUN 08/06 Portugal vs Turkey at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Euro2008 03: SUN 08/06 Austria vs Croatia at 11.55 pm SIN/HKG

Euro2008 04: MON 09/06 Germany vs Poland at 02.45 am SIN/HKG

Good luck!

EURO2008 Prediction League Rules

Scoring System

3-Points for a correct outcome (Win, Lose or Draw)
1-point each for correct score on each side.

Double Entry
Later submission shall override earlier submission.

No points for submission after kick-off. (Disqualification)

Blog Blackout
The EURO2008 Prediction League will be played here but if in the event Blogger/Blogspot servers go down, we will automatically carry on the league over to my personal blog at Please bookmark this or at the very least stay in touch with one of us as we will also be helping all stay in the loop via the various channels like MSN, Skype, email as well as SPUG Off-Topic Chat.

Prediction League Past Winners

Copa America 2004 - WeiMeng
EPL 2004/2005 - Friday13
EPL 2005/2006 - ianrush
World Cup 2006 - EdwinSng
EPL 2006/2007 - Voxeros
EPL 2007/2008 - Cool402